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Social Communication and Pragmatics

What is social communication?

Social communication involves the use of both verbal, and non verbal language skills in a social environment. â€‹


How can a Speech Pathologist help?

A speech pathologist can help determine whether a child may be having difficulties with the use of verbal and non verbal language in social situations. We provide intervention strategies to improve social communication specific to your child.


Some signs of a social communication impairment include difficulties with: 

  • using greetings 

  • telling and understanding stories

  • entering a conversation, maintaining the topic, taking turns, participating in conversation etc.

  • rephrasing when misunderstood in communication 

  • interpreting others verbal and nonverbal communication 

  • understanding ambiguous or figurative language

  •  understanding communication inferences (information not explicitly stated in conversation)

  • making and keeping close friendships

  • problem solving



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